Important Notice to Beneficiaries of the AGSMEIS LOAN.

The AgSMEIS LOAN is an initiative to support the Federal Government’s efforts and policy initiatives to develop small and medium enterprises as sustainable economic growth and employment .AGSMEIS LOAN that allows you to get loans up to 2.5 million.

Those who would benefit from the program a few days ago, when they log on to their dashboard will see a notice indicating that they have to reduced the amount requested to 3million or less, while some have even done the Amount adjustment, Already their loan was approved now.

Some still do not follow the proper procedures to meet the requirements of this loan due to the fact that they meet EID training centers who are unable to train them properly.

As long as we do not meet the requirements of this loan, its sure that we will not be able to be approved for this loan because we do not meet the requirements, and by next year, the approved messages will continue rich people via sms.

If your Application status is less than 100 honestly try to complete the all requirements, because doing so will allow you to get the loan but you have to wait approved.

Those who are interested in registering for a simple 15k fee, but you have to waiting for the appoval , You can speak to this number 0 9 0 6 3 5 7 0 0 4 1.

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