How to transfer WhatsApp chats to a new smartphone

    Whatsapp chat backup

    WhatsApp regularly creates backups of the chat histories, with which the messenger can be transferred unchanged to a new smartphone. I will explain how to do this step by step.

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    Anyone who buys a new smartphone does not want to do without all the conversations and pictures that were exchanged with WhatsApp when switching. Fortunately.

    The messenger offers a practical cloud backup function with which you can easily transfer all chat histories to the new device.

     Don’t worry Techboke shows you how it works.

    Transfer WhatsApp chats to a new Android smartphone

    WhatsApp can automatically save chat histories to the Google Drive cloud as a backup if this function has been activated by the user.

     This greatly simplifies the move to a new Android smartphone. But even without a cloud backup, chats can be transferred manually relatively easily.

     The transfer of WhatsApp chats is made considerably easier by cloud backups.

    1. Cloud backup

    • On the old phone in WhatsApp, navigate to the backup options under Settings > Chats > Chat Backup
    • Click Save
    • Install WhatsApp on the new smartphone and verify the phone number.
    • When you set up WhatsApp on the new device, you now have the option to restore the chat backup

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    2. Manual

    • Connect your old and new smartphone to a computer and activate data transfer (MTP) on both devices.
    • Copy the WhatsApp folder in the phone memory of the old device to the memory of the new device.
    • Alternatively, you can just copy the Databases folder to transfer only the chat histories, not photos and videos.
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    Whatsapp chat backup iPhone

    Transfer WhatsApp chats to a new iPhone

    Unlike on Android, WhatsApp on the iPhone uses Apple’s iCloud to create backups of the chat histories.

     Restoring the backup will only work if you use the new iPhone with the same Apple ID as your old one.

    • On the old iPhone, in WhatsApp, go to  Settings > Chats > Chat Backup.
    • Click Make a backup now.
    • Install WhatsApp on the new smartphone and verify the phone number
    • When you set up WhatsApp on the new device, you now have the option to restore the chat backup.

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    Transfer WhatsApp chats between iOS and Android

    Until a few years ago it was still possible to simply transfer WhatsApp chats from Android to iOS or vice versa using Google Drive.

    There is currently no easy and free way to take the chat history with you when changing the operating system.

     For the transfer of chats from iOS to Android there is the possibility to extract the corresponding data from the backup file created by the iTunes desktop application for the iPhone.

    This data can then be transferred from the Google Play Store to the Android smartphone using the paid “WazzapMigrator” app.

    In principle, there is no app for moving from Android to iOS that works really reliably.

     There are free trial versions of programs such as “Backuptrans” that can transmit up to 20 messages.

    If this works and the transfer is worth just under $20, your previous chats will also be displayed on the iPhone.

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    Since all these tools cost money and the functionality is not fully guaranteed, we cannot recommend this solution.

     For a long time, there was a simple, if not 100% equivalent, alternative.

     The chat histories could be sent via email, and although they were not displayed in WhatsApp on the new smartphone, they were at least visible in the email program.

    In the meantime, WhatsApp has permanently removed this function due to a patent dispute with BlackBerry in some countries, (it is still available elsewhere).

     It is no longer possible to transfer chats in any form from Android to iOS.

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