How To Solve Issue Of Invalid BVN During NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Application

How To Solve Issue Of Invalid BVN During NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Application

Are you having an Invalid BVN Issue during NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Application? if yes, then this article is for you as we will be walking you through how to fix the Invalid BVN Issue during NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Application.

It’s no longer news that the Nirsal microfinance BankCovid-19 Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) Loan application is still ongoing but some applicants have been complaining about the issue of invalid BVN, so we have decided to use this article to provide a solution, so make sure you read until the end.

The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) introduced the N50 billion Targeted Credit Facility (TCF) as a stimulus package to support households and Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below are steps on how to fix the issue of Invalid BVN during NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan application.

How To Solve Issue Of Invalid BVN During NMFB Covid-19 TCF Loan Application

1. Visit the Application portal

2. Click on “NEW” and then click on next. Your application reference number will pop up, kindly write it down or screenshot it. It will be required when you try to log in to check the progress of your application.

3. Then click on continue to proceed and then NEXT.

4. The new page will request you to fill in your personal information, which includes, your BVN, names, state of origin, etc.

5. Kindly Note, do not fill your BVN immediately. Kindly fill in your state of residence, enter your email, confirm your email, enter your marital status, phone number and then answer the rest of the questions you are allowed to answer.

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At this stage, you will notice you cant still edit your name, gender, and state of birth, kindly ignore and go ahead and fill in your BVN. Your BVN should be the last section to fill.

Answer all the questions u were given access to. Then input your BVN and press next on your keyboard. This will boot the BVN and once your BVN is verified, all those columns which u couldn’t access will automatically fill themselves.

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