ECOWAS Recruitment: Recruitment of National and International ECOWAS Volunteers

I am directed to inform that the ECOWAS Commission is advertising the recruitment, of five (5) International ECOWAS Volunteers into the following programs:

i. Programme Assistant in Burkina Faso 

ii. Communication and Visibility Specialist in Nigeria

iii. Computer Information Technology Specialist in Nigeria 

iv. Youth Programme Specialist in Burkina Faso 

v. Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist in Burkina Faso

2. The Commission is requesting for the advertised profiles to be widely circulated for interested Youths of various countries. Interested applicants are to submit their application to ECOWAS Commission on or before 15th June, 2023. The Term of Reference (TOR) for the profiles can be accessed on

3. To this end, to afford Nigerian Youths the opportunity to apply for the positions, it is recommended that your esteemed Ministry urgently publicize the programs for wide awareness.

4. Please accept, the assurances of the highest esteem of the Permanent Secretary.

Ambassador Yakubu A. Dadu, Ph. D

For: Permanent Secretary

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