Boot-Repair-Disk: Fix startup problems on your computer

Boot-Repair-Disk: Fix startup problems on your computer

Boot-Repair-Disk: Fix startup problems on your computer

Usually, most of the time, many users who have problems starting up their computer resort to the format method and of course lose all files and existing settings on their computer.

The problem is even more acute when the user has not planned to back up the files regularly to their computer, and here we are talking about the absolute “destruction” especially if our files include useful documentary photos, music, and usually the other file necessary.

The truth is that to successfully deal with such failures in these situations one must have some relevant experience.

However, some applications can help us identify the problem and try to resolve it, and some others that are on their own to solve the problem automatically.

The program we present today belongs to the second category and is nothing quite a live CD from which we’ll boot into our computer and it’ll automatically recognize the problem and try to fix it.


1. Download Boot-Repair-Disk.

2. Then burn it to a CD or burn it to a USB stick via the Unetbootin application.

3. Insert the Boot-Repair-Disk into your computer’s CD-ROM or USB stick accordingly to any USB port and restart your computer.

4. Choose your language.

5. Connect to the Internet, if possible, and click on the “Recommended Repair” field

6. Restart your computer. The program does not guarantee that it will 100% solve all the possible problems, but it successfully treats most boot-specific / GRUB / MBR “You can use it to troubleshoot boot problems in Windows and Linux.

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